'Geoscience Connections' on YouTube!

The joint IAGA-IASPEI proposal awarded by IUGG consists of a documentary, web series and short movies about the science and the scientists of the 8 different IUGG associations and the connections between them.

While the documentary and web series will be released later on, the short movies of the scientists and early career researchers from the different associations are now being released on IUGG and IAGA YouTube channels!

Every Tuesday and Friday, a video will be published which would include an introduction about the researcher followed by a description of the science they do. The videos, less than 5 minutes in length, have been aimed at the general public and early career researchers. For some weeks, an additional video about science outreach will also be made available.

Have a look here and head over to our YouTube for more!

Keep a look out at our social media channels for upcoming videos.


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