Swarm 10th Anniversary and Science Conference: Copenhagen, 8-12 April 2024

On 8–12 April 2024, a special event took place in Copenhagen, Denmark, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Swarm mission, with a conference dedicated to scientific advances it has driven in studies of Earth’s interior, ocean, atmosphere and space environment. 

The “Swarm 10th Anniversary and Science Conference”, organized by the European Space Agency and hosted by DTU Space in CPH Conference Centre in Copenhagen, brought together a wide community with expertise spanning the entire Earth system from the core, through the mantle and crust, the oceans and atmosphere, all the way out to the edge of the magnetosphere, with an eye to the many new applications beyond the scope of the original mission objectives.

The conference was attended by more than 220 participants, with 70 talks and 106 posters, from many different institutions in Europe, America and Asia.

The results presented during the week showcased ground-breaking scientific contributions made by the Swarm mission, setting out in detail what has been learnt about the Earth and its space environment from the magnetic and electric field variations recorded over the past 10 years. Insights from modelling efforts as well as wide-ranging implications were discussed. Many novel and unexpected applications of Swarm measurements were also presented, and exciting directions for future progress were set out.

The event was also dedicated to the celebration of Swarm’s “birthday”, with inspiring speeches from mission PI’s, scientists, mission managers and people who have been involved in Swarm mission since the very beginning.

These first 10 years of our mission in orbit are a major milestone that we would like to further mark by creating collections of papers on Swarm related topics. For this reason, the following Special issues have been launched to cover the full range of Swarm related science, in which all those interested are kindly invited to submit contributions:

  • Special issue on  Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. The focus of this special issue will be scientific advances in our understanding of internal field sources (including core dynamics, lithospheric magnetization, induction in the solid Earth and oceans).

    All submissions are welcome beginning on 1st May 2024 up until 31st October 2024. Please submit via the PEPI website and choose article type “VSI:Terr. Magnetism & Swarm".

    Please send an email to gbalasis@noa.gr until May 24th, 2024, expressing your interest by indicating a potential title of your intended submission. Submission deadline of the full articles is expected to be at the end of 2024, while the TI in JSWSC is expected to be launched end of May / beginning of June 2024.

Further details about the event can be found at: https://www.swarm-anniversary-and-science.org/.

ESA Swarm constellation. Image credit: ESA/ATG Medialab

Contributed by Enkelejda Qamili, Chris Finlay, Erwan Thébault, Alexander Grayver and George Balasis


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