A magnetic journey from core to space

Katia Pinheiro, from IAGA, won the IAGA Grant for her project "A magnetic journey: from core to space".

The project involved interviews with Early-Career Scientists (ECS) during the 6th IAGA Summer School in Niemegk and senior scientists discussing the Geomagnetic Grand Spectrum. The interviews with ECS led to fascinating testimonies about their research, career, and expectations. We hope these short movies will encourage young students to start careers in geosciences. 

In a parallel project, experienced scientists addressed the Geomagnetic Grand Spectrum, giving exciting talks about the time variations of the geomagnetic field. These movies will be presented as a web series and may interest the general public and students in Earth Sciences. 

We invite you to watch all these movies on the IAGA YouTube channel, starting next month. Keep a look out at our social media channel to know when we upload new videos and subscribe to our YouTube for more!


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