We have started a new page on our website called IAGA Bites (naming credit goes to IAGA and ComNet group member Fred!) that will feature short reports/abstracts of new papers that have been published in the IAGA community.
We hope it helps authors increase visibility of their paper as well as serve as a place where everyone knows what new is happening in our science! No more constantly searching for new articles that have come out, this repository will have them all *if* you help us build it.
If you have a paper you'd want to advertise, please reach out to us at iagasocialmedia@gmail.com or here. If you are a co-author on a paper you'd want to share, please reach out to us. If you know someone whose work you'd want to publish here for the community, yes you're right, please reach out to us!
We are looking forward to receiving news about your work from you.
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